Ben Settle – Email Players List Swell Download (2021)

Ben settle email players list swell free download

What’s Inside This Book:

  • The truly bizarre secret the late, great ad man David Ogilvy accidentally discovered about headshot pics that can potentially get your website hundreds of extra opt-ins. Page 107
  • 2 little-used ways to (legally) “siphon” the best, cream-of-the-crop leads from Facebook, Google, and other paid advertising platforms… without spending any money on their ads or even needing to have accounts with their sites. (Details starting on pages 26 & 61.)
  • A ridiculously simple way to get other businesses to send your website their best leads. (It truly astonishes me how few businesses think to do this — as this is probably the fastest and simplest list-building method I’ve ever used, and can potentially help even a raw newbie start building a list very quickly. Pages 21, 41 & 89.)
  • An almost laughably easy way to use the privacy policy on your squeeze pages to get more opt-ins to your business’s email list. Page 105
  • The cheapskate’s guide to building a hot list of leads so anxious to read and buy from your offers — they sometimes might even have their credit cards out before they opt in! Beginning on page 13
  • How some smart “Email Players” subscribers on Twitter are using that platform to build out large email lists for free. (If I was still on Twitter, and if I was more motivated, I’d do this all day long… plus, I show you who to follow to see it done in “real time.”) Pages 83-84
  • The exact cold email the “most connected man on the internet” used to help get even complete strangers with huge audiences to promote his business. (And yes, I show you the full email, as well as explain the psychology behind it.) Page 92
  • Why guys must play the mind games women claim to hate if they want to be successful in today’s “cut throat” dating world. (Nothing to do with email or list-building. But it’s important info for guys on the chase for a good woman.) Page 15
  • A secret invented 70 years ago by the billion dollar infomercial industry that can help even a business with a small list, small social media following, or small audience get a steady, reliable, and consistent stream of highly-qualified new opt-ins. Page 82
  • Where to hire a young punk who can save you hours of time by submitting your daily emails and other content to 50+ social media sites on the regular. (Full disclosure: I don’t bother with social media myself, and I don’t know if this guy does this anymore. But even if not, you now know people like this exist, and I tell you about a popular Facebook group where you might be able to find & hire such people. See page 18.)
  • Every trick, technique, and method I know for getting booked solid on podcasts (both big and small shows)… and turning those appearances into bigger email lists and bigger paydays. (Podcasts have always generated my best customers and leads — and I show you everything I’ve learned and used on the subject to help build a “hyper-responsive” list of customers who love to buy great offers and are a joy to deal with. Fun begins on page 61.)
  • How to use Kindle to get people to basically pay you to be on your free opt-in list.Page 19
  • An almost forgotten way to use old school press releases to drive traffic to your website. (Including a half dozen examples throughout the book you can model for your own offers. See pages 19 & 75.)
  • An admittedly strange & weird way to use an ordinary ball to connect with ice-cold list owners with big audiences and influence that might be interested in emailing their lists about your website. Page 94
  • How to get other businesses to write free “solo” ads about your business to their lists. Starting on page 27
  • An almost never-talked about way to get yourself booked on podcasts with big audiences with lots of industry-wide influence. (I first did this in the dog niche — when I stuttered through interviews, was a complete amateur, and had zero brand to speak of — to get booked on a podcast with around 10,000 listeners. You can see the simple thing I did to land that interview on page 67.)
  • How to “legally hijack” leads from high-traffic blogs right to your opt-in page. (This admittedly sounds a lot sexier than the secret really is… but it can still work like gangbusters to build your lists.) Page 18
  • Clever ways to use audio in text-based articles to get highly targeted traffic to your website. Pages 25 & 68
  • Stupid-obvious things (that hardly anyone does) you can do to your website to as much as double the size of your list over time using just the current traffic you’re already getting. Beginning on page 101
  • Why one of the best tools for building an email list is an ordinary telephone. Page 93
  • How to get the maximum number of leads onto your opt-in list from solo ads or endorsed mailings. Page 71
  • A quirky way I learned from observing one of the most popular podcasters on the planet for using Facebook to help build your list without buying any ads or writing any extra posts than you are now. (Another full disclosure: this only works if you have a huge following. And it is possible Facebook won’t allow it anymore, depending on when you are reading this.) Page 113
  • How one of my customers turned being bum-rushed by an online mob of drooling psychopaths and hostile media outlets (including Snopes!) into lots of new sales, new traffic, and new leads on her email list. Page 110
  • How to ethically “finagle” your ezine article resource boxes that can as much as double (and possibly even triple) the clicks you get to your opt-in pages over time.

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